His Grace is Sufficient
It is in this tension the Lord has invited me to live. Sometimes it feels like it’s manageable, but more often than not, it feels like a whole lot.
Hoping Against Hope
So many times my heart has broken, over and over, hearing the stories of these women, hearing about the terrible choices they have made out of desperately trying to survive. The wounds of their own sins, but also the countless sins of others, makes finding a solution more and more complex.
My African Heart Transplant
This Is Africa!
The red dirt, ebony skin, and huge white smiles are the three most natural, strikingly beautiful colors of our new home. These coexist in stark contrast to the brilliantly bright blues, greens, oranges, and yellows of the kitenge dresses worn by our African friends. Through the last few months, our team has been seeking the Lord in order to know…