Making Friends in Taiwan
Thoughts from missionary kid Sadie Doktor
Two years ago, when I lived in the USA, I rarely had a chance to tell someone about Jesus who had NEVER heard about Him. Now, we have opportunities every day!
One of the ways I can tell the Taiwanese about Jesus is by becoming friends with them. We have made many friends in Taiwan, from our neighborhood to our music classroom, and even when we go on trips, there are many people we interact with.
One of the ways I can tell the Taiwanese about Jesus is by becoming friends with them.
In our house, there is a whiteboard, on which we write Bible verses in Chinese and English. Also, by my bed I have a sticker that says 耶穌愛你! (Jesus loves you). When our friends come to our house to play, they see it.
On our most recent trip, my sister Sophie and I were swimming. And Sophie, brave girl, went over and started talking to two kids and their mom, asking if they wanted to play with us. She is never shy when it comes to telling people about Jesus.
A couple of weeks ago I went with Dad to the market. The first thing we did was go to Ms. Wu, a lady who sells guava. She is so generous. Every time I see her, she is sweating! It is hard work to be out in the heat all morning. A little while ago Ms. Wu gave us two whole bags of clothes! This time she gave us a bottle of apple soda (this is a drink I had been craving 🙂 ).
I felt a voice inside of me telling me to give the fruit to him. So I did. And boy, did he look happy!
Afterward, we met up with Ms. Sophie. She sells pomelo and guava. She donated a big bag of pomelos to the orphanage! Since she gave us so much, we walked back to the car to drop off the fruit. As we were passing, I saw an old man on a small golf cart. On the back of the cart were cardboard items, which he was probably going to sell to the recycling center. In my hand was a small pomelo that Ms. Sophie had given to me. I felt a voice inside of me telling me to give the pomelo to him. So I did. And boy, did he look happy!
As we moved along, we bought more fruit and some eggs. Usually, we give out homemade prayer cards to the farmers with a religious picture and a Bible verse on them. Soon, on the prayer cards will be a link to our new Chinese blog, which will help them learn about Jesus even more.
Our prayer is that these encounters will help the Taiwanese to know God more, “so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)
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