Chris & Angie Waldrop
The Waldrop family is originally from Moore, SC. In 2013, Chris and Angie were immensely affected by retreats they attended, igniting in their hearts a fire for Our Lord Jesus Christ. As they grew closer to Jesus, they strove to change their family dynamics to be more positive and Christ-centered. Families from their parish and parish school were instrumental in showing them how to continue fueling the flame that was ignited. They already knew and displayed “servant hearts”, but learned to delve deeper, with a focus on radically loving God’s children and building His Kingdom. Jesus literally entered into their house and modeled for them how to truly love through these families’ examples. As they grew spiritually, they knew many changes needed to be made. They were very content in their little cul-de-sac with many treasures and comforts. Although they were helping to build God’s Kingdom and loving His people in their own community, they had a strong desire for something more. They heard about a family from their parish who was considering missionary life. After discussing this, they were surprised to discover that this “desire” had been in both of their hearts for awhile, but they never shared with one another until then.
In their research, they found Family Missions Company and called right away. After speaking to one of the missionaries, it was clear that this was something that could possibly fit their family and they realized the road God had them on was leading to this moment. They read blogs, prayed, reflected with each other, and eventually participated in a “Come and See”. It was such a lovely experience for them. They left with much peace and drove home praying for God to give “billboards”, letting them know whether they should continue on this road. God is truly faithful! EVERY DAY He was showering the clear message that this was the plan. The Mass readings focused on the Great Commission and totally trusting God. Homilies by multiple clergy fueled the desire to show others how to serve and enabling more disciples of Christ. Devotions and scripture passages encouraged creating new servant leaders. Time in adoration confirmed that peace as they asked our Lord what He wanted from them. Many members of their Church community encouraged them even more to follow this path as they were sharing these beautiful “Godincidences”. It was VERY clear what they had to do. They finally applied to Family Missions Company and were accepted! As they continue their journey to become full-time international missionaries, they ask you to join them as they enable and create new servants for our Lord and Savior.
Read from the Waldrop family’s blog!