A Call to Mission
His Perfect Plan
A Transforming Heart
God, King of the Universe
What if we gave God, the King of the Universe, total silence in our lives, even for a moment or two?
A Missionary Adventure in Trinidad and Tobago
All Things Work for the Good
The Lord’s Abundant Providence
Praise and Thanksgiving: A List of Worship Songs for You
The Holy Father’s Intentions: For Anyone Who Has Lost A Child
Participating in God’s Great Love
One woman we visited had suffered a stroke and her left arm lay with minimal range of motion on the side of her wheelchair.
Unfiltered Glory
The Holy Father’s Intentions: For A Shared Mission
It is a time to honor the men, women, and children in our Church who have left their native homes to be missionaries.
Taking Care of Your Own
I’m Not Saying Goodbye Anymore
The memory of saying goodbye to our beloved friends there weighs on my heart on an almost daily basis.