The Healing Power of Jesus is Real
The healing power in the name of Jesus is real, friends! In week two of Intake training, I began experiencing a bizarre, stabbing pain in my back that would knock me crumbling to the floor several times a day, all week.
By Friday, as I sat flinching in pain during our weekly community praise and worship, I cried out to Jesus and heard these words in my heart: “Ask for healing for yourself.”
“No way…” I thought, thinking these were surely my own thoughts. I prayed, “Jesus, if this is from you, please make it clear to me, or better, can someone else just ask for healing for me?”
Just then, Erik, our praise and worship leader, opened up the floor for intercessory prayer, asking if anyone had anything on their heart. Unconvinced by this nudge, the next person says, “I really feel the need to lift up anyone suffering from a physical ailment right now.” I laughed out loud!
So humbled, I also felt Jesus saying, “Do you not trust Me?” I finally asked for prayers of healing. After dinner, a group of twelve gathered, laying hands on me, praying for healing over me, and saying it in the Name of Jesus.
As I tried a few times to test out my back pain with movements that would’ve usually sent me flinching, no pain. With still some lingering doubt, I kept repeating in my heart, “Jesus, I trust in you.” I also kept testing out my back all night, and… no pain! What, Jesus?! You healed me! I trust in You!
In the following days, I still was experiencing no painful stabbing in my back. I couldn’t help but keep saying, “Thank you, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. In Your Name, I am healed.”
I’ve heard of these things from others, but I never thought He’d do it for me! Whenever I worry or doubt the Lord, He shows up in the wildest, most abundant ways.
I’m dumbfounded and constantly reminded of His loving gaze saying to me, “Oh, you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Friends cast your worries on Him! I promise He will always come through.
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