The Holy Father’s Intentions: The New Martyrs
Several years ago, some missionary friends of mine invited me to watch a documentary with them. We gathered in their living room with snacks after their kids had gone to bed. I didn’t know what to expect from this documentary, entitled The Insanity of God.
The subtitle – A True Story of Faith and Persecution – tells more. It follows the stories of missionaries and Christians around the world living out their faith in the midst of persecution.
I remember a story about a congregation from one very anti-Christian country. Someone in the congregation asked, “Do people in other countries know about Jesus?” The pastor responded:
I told the group that believers in other parts of the world knew about and followed Jesus. I then told the group that believers in other parts of the world also knew about them…. I told them that believers in many parts of the world prayed for them and their churches.
“Wait, wait!” people cried out. They could hardly believe what I was saying. One man responded this way: “Do you mean that people in your country know that we believe in Jesus? Do you mean that they haven’t forgotten us and that they pray for us?” I assured them: “Why yes, we have always loved you. And we have never forgotten you. For a long time, we have prayed for you.”
It was a holy moment as these believers realized that they were recognized, remembered, and prayed for by fellow believers around the world.”
This story struck me then as it does now. The concern of these persecuted believers for others in the world! And the solidarity they experienced at learning that they were being prayed for by their unknown brothers and sisters across the globe. It gives me chills.
When I read the Holy Father’s intention for the month of March, this story from The Insanity of God came back to me. Pope Francis is inviting us to pray for the new martyrs:
We pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world inflame the Church with their courage and missionary enthusiasm.
The Pope is asking us to do the very thing that touched those hidden Christians so much. He is calling us to solidarity with those who suffer daily because of their faith.
So let us unite our prayers this month for those who risk their lives for the Gospel—Church leaders, missionaries, and all believers. May the Lord give them courage and fortitude, and may their witness strengthen our own faith and missionary resolve.
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