Ten Films for Inculturation as Missionaries in the World
Many of these films are not mainstream or stereotypical Christian films—and this is intentional. Some are overtly religious while others are secular but have significant redeeming moral or theological value.
Jesus Saves, Bro
What greater love for our neighbor than to share with them the Good News? Are we concerned for those who have not heard it? How bold are we in this mission? I ask myself this question often. We meet some people who have heard the name of Jesus and think of Him as just another god.
Being a Kid in Missions
There was this poor man, and he seemed sad and lonely. He saw me and lit up, and he started asking me questions. Then he asked me if I would buy a treat for him, and (awkward situation right here) I was about to say no when all of the sudden the Holy Spirit moved me to buy him a treat.
Hoping Against Hope
So many times my heart has broken, over and over, hearing the stories of these women, hearing about the terrible choices they have made out of desperately trying to survive. The wounds of their own sins, but also the countless sins of others, makes finding a solution more and more complex.
What Are Our Gifts?
Given the circumstances, it would be easy for us to conclude the task here is just too big, or even impossible. We should “shake the dust from our sandals” and move on. But then I think about Nicodemus and how he couldn’t understand what it meant to be born again in the Spirit. And so, Jesus talked to him about the wind.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Theirs
I worried often about Maggie, if she was getting sicker, if she had food, and if she was healthy enough to take care of herself and Tika. As time went on, my worry turned to fear. It was my worst fear that I would find out she died; that one of the diseases she battled finally won. I was afraid of her leaving behind her young daughter.
Tender Care for Missionary Kids
Given the circumstances, it would be easy for us to conclude the task here is just too big, or even impossible. We should “shake the dust from our sandals” and move on. But then I think about Nicodemus and how he couldn’t understand what it meant to be born again in the Spirit. And so, Jesus talked to him about the wind.
Innovations for Intake
Monumental changes are underway for training future FMC missionaries. Many of these improvements were inspired by missionaries in the field and Member Care staff who desire longevity and sustainability. Intake will look markedly different, with the goal of offering a healthy model for how missionaries can thrive in their foreign mission post.
It’s Not About the Food
I spotted an elderly couple begging for money from the patrons of a Chinese restaurant. The couple looked hungry and sickly, and there was no way that a few “soles” given to them out of pity would buy them a decent meal.
Unexpected Joy
Only five months after our family’s arrival at our new post, we found ourselves in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, locked away from those we were sent to serve. Jesus, being who He is, still led us to the poorest of the poor. He opened so many closed doors—both literally and figuratively—for new ministries to flourish, despite the repercussions of the virus.
When Heaven Touches Earth
Holy Matrimony is a sacred, solemn, divine encounter that unfolds when heaven comes down to touch earth. The good news is, it’s not a one time only deal. God’s grace is abundant and available 24/7.