Faith Lewis
Faith grew up in Ohio, the oldest of nine children. Her family discerned missionary life with FMC when she was fourteen years old, deciding in the end it was not their calling. But the mission trips they took with FMC left a lasting impression on Faith, and she joined FMC as an intern in 2022 when she was seventeen, intending it to be her gap year. After the internship was over, she returned home, content that she had satisfied the Lord and could now pursue her “real calling,” whatever that might be.
To her surprise, she began to feel the Lord directing her back to missions, this time as a full-time missionary. She resisted at first, but the call was persistent, and she realized that she needed to spend some time discerning a vocation as a missionary. After months of prayerful consideration and receiving a sign she prayed for, Faith applied and was welcomed to Intake 2024. She is so filled with joy at the prospect of serving God in other countries and sharing His love with as many people as possible.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” –Joshua 1:9