Ben & Natalia Schumann
Ben and Natalia both grew up in Colorado and met each other at a youth rally. Serving as a youth minister and in the vocations office, Ben and Natalia began to feel the Lord move in their family in a new and different way after the birth of their first daughter Raeleigh. After attending the first FMC Proclaim Conference in October 2013, they knew the Lord was calling them to become a missionary family to preach the gospel and serve the poor.
“For your sake he became poor although he was rich, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” 2 Cor. 8:9
The Lord has moved mountains and worked miracles for them to be his missionaries. From helping them get rid of debt before missions to the countless people who have supported the mission through prayer and financial gifts. He has proved time and time again that He is a Father who provides!
Ben and Natalia joined Intake 2014 as a family of 3. Their second child, Quintin, was born in April 2015 during their first year of missions and their third child Emyliana came in June 2017. God grew their family & their hearts for the poor during their 4 years serving the poor in General Cepeda, Mexico.
In 2019 they preached the Gospel through the central and eastern parts of the United States witnessing to the vocation of family life as missionaries. They are currently serving at FMC’s home base in Abbeville, Louisiana, in the Field Manager role.
Natalia also co-hosts a podcast, Practically Catholic, sharing about her Christian life as a wife, mother and missionary.
Connect with them on Facebook & Instagram
Listen to Practically Catholic Podcast