Calling College Students to Missions
God is stretching and growing FMC in new and varied ways!
Texas A&M Campus Visit
Missionaries spoke to hundreds of students after 5 different Masses, and made a missions presentation at St. Mary’s Catholic Student center to many students about the joy of serving the Lord in missions. Please pray that many students would respond generously to the call of Christ to bring His love to the ends of the earth.
Our Lady of Wisdom’s Mission Night
A missionary couple spoke to a group of UL students attempting to awaken the missionary zeal among them. Many approached them afterwards with questions about missionary life and with interest in the possibility of serving the Lord as full time missionaries in the future.
- Intake 2012 Travels to Mexico: The Intake missionaries and many of our FMC staff are currently serving the Lord in General Cepeda, Mexico. Please keep their ministry and evangelization in the ranchos in your prayers.
- 26 FMC Missionaries currently serving the Lord in Malaybalay: With the arrival of the Alvarez and Eckstine families to the Philippines, their are 26 joyful, generous, and zealous missionaries spreading the Gospel among the poor and cast down in Malaybalay. Please keep Stacie Alvarez in your prayers as she approaches her due date for number 7!
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