“Floors for the Poor” and the 300 Mercy Club
October 5th, 2012
It is incredible to see what God is doing in the hearts and lives of people all over the world because of the simple, and profound YES that our missionaries have given with their lives. We want to share two amazing things that are happening in the Philippines as we speak.
Floors for the Poor
Sammy and Lindsey Romero and their two little ones, Evie and Anders have been ministering to the families of Isla Bonita, a very materially poor community near their home since almost the beginning of their time in Malabalay. Today they began work on their newest project, Floors for the Poor, in which they have raised funds to build concrete floors for the shacks of these families in Isla Bonita. A floor for one of these small homes costs only $66. This is such a needed project for most, if not all of these families, since they live with a dirt floor and no true walls on their homes preventing them from keeping their floors clean and homey. Please remember the Romero family and those that will help them in yours prayers as they begin this labor of love and stay tuned for photos and stories of this project to come.
The 300 Mercy Club
Susanna and Rebekah have been very busy on the island of Camiguin teaching at the local Catholic school and preparing their students to receive the Sacrament of Confession. Rebekah writes, “This week we are taking all 300 students to confession. It’s been at least five years since many of them have gone. We’ve been helping them prepare by talking about sin and salvation, faith and repentance, what the sacrament is, going through an exam of conscience and all that. If y’all could pray for them, Father will be hearing their confessions during classes on Thursday and Friday. Thanks!” Please do remember these 300 young people that will be blessed to receive the great mercy and love of God this week and in thanksgiving that Susanna and Rebekah were able to share with them the great gift that this healing sacrament is.
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