Lisa Acosta and Family
In March 2019, the Acosta family attended a “Come and See” with Family Missions Company, where they learned that all Christians are called to be missionaries by their baptism. After being forever changed by the missionaries they met, their stories, and testimonies, and getting a glimpse of the joyful simplicity of missionary life, the Acostas embarked on a journey to escape the American Dream in pursuit of the Christianity of the Bible.
The Acosta family discerned that God was calling them to be full-time foreign missionaries with FMC shortly after attending a 2019 Thanksgiving mission trip to Mexico. However, the Acostas then faced unexpected losses and endured great trials that prevented them from joining full-time foreign missions until now.
During those painful four years, the Acostas learned to rely on and surrender everything to God and found solace in prayer, Scripture, daily Mass, nature, praise and worship, an amazing community of friends, and serving others. Their homeschool also evolved into a “School for the Lord’s Service,” focused on missionary discipleship – in their own family, in their community of Springfield, Missouri, and also in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Belize.
Lisa, Carson, Cameron, and Gianna are grateful to be able to serve together as a family as full-time foreign missionaries, and they are excited to be a bridge for those back in the US who will partner with them in making disciples, serving the poor, sharing the love of Jesus, and taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
“See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” –Isaiah 43:19