Miracle In Peru
My teammate Angela was given an article to read written by a Peruvian and published in an American charismatic magazine. The author proclaimed a new awakening in Peru that would come by the Holy Spirit – through Catholic missionaries! My teammates and I were intrigued, especially considering the author was non-Catholic. Angela reached out to the author, Luz Yemi (below, with the big smile up front), and it just so happened that she was at a conference in Peru, only an hour away from us and had not yet booked her return flight to leave. She felt it was an answered prayer because the Holy Spirit had been telling her to find and talk to charismatic Catholics. She came to visit us for three days! The Holy Spirit used her to remind us of many things, but mainly a renewal and awakening of how He desires to use the gifts that He’s given us to work miracles and glorify His kingdom.
One night we offered to pray over people after a Scripture reading gathering. A lady (in the green skirt in the main picture) asked to be prayed over for abdominal pain that she had suffered with for years. We all laid hands upon her, and begged for the Lord to heal her of pain and in all aspects of her life. In an instant, all the pain in her abdomen disappeared! And it was also obvious that God not only healed her pain, but also broke chains that had been holding her captive for years! It was a miracle. She looked younger and more free than I had ever seen her before. It’s been three weeks since she was healed and I spoke with her and she is no longer taking any medicine and hasn’t had any abdominal pain since!
The Lord uses us to do incredible things and work miracles everyday with the gifts He’s given to us. We, as baptized Christians, can rejoice in the fact the Jesus is alive and is actively working in our lives through the Holy Spirit – not only on Peru, but all over the world! All we need to do is ask Him to use us, believe that He will, and then be prepared to build His kingdom and bring people to Him!
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