And so begins the Year of Faith!
“Faith grows when it is lived as an experience of LOVE received and when it is communicated as an experience of grace and JOY! – Pope Benedict XVI in his “Letter on the Year of Faith”
The YEAR of FAITH has begun and FMC would like to share with you an episode of the Missionary Family Podcast speaking about this special year and the New Evangelization!
Mrs. Genie Summers, podcaster and founder of FMC writes of the Year of Faith; ” I woke up a couple of days ago, super “pumped up” about the Year of Faith. I shared on the podcast that the world around us has so many bleak things on the horizon, but I believe that the Year of Faith is going to have a bigger impact on the world we live in than presidential elections in the United States. It is our opportunity to enter into the New Evangelization and reach out to our Catholic brothers and sisters (our listeners) with the message of the Gospel.”
To listen to the episode click here: LISTEN
[pullquote3 quotes=”true” align=”left” variation=”blue” cite=”Pope Benedict XVI”]Christ sends us through the highways of the world to proclaim His Gospel to all the peoples of the earth.[/pullquote3]
Also, if you have not heard it yet, there are opportunities to receive plenary indulgences for preaching and sharing the faith throughout this year. For more info about how to receive these special graces go to the Year of Faith Website!
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