Enduring Friendship
I’m 12 years old and I have lived in five different countries: Haiti, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, and the United States. I have to say, my favorite times are with my friends.
One of my favorite memories is when some friends of mine and I went to a community to carry wood. We went with a local kid named Andres. I was having a great time carrying wood through the jungle even though the sun was very bright, and it was the heat of the day. I was surprised because Andres had come to help, and he isn’t a fan of hard work. Andres pretty much humiliated us. He carried two boards by himself, while my friend Maria and I carried two boards together. We worked from 9am to 3pm. At one point, I stepped in mud that went all the way up to my waist. Let’s just say, it wasn’t very comforting. Ah, good times.
As a missionary kid, I have experienced many things, good and bad. I’ve learned many life lessons, but there is this one lesson that takes the trophy. I learned to never, ever forget how much God impacts my life. I was in a very hard situation when I returned to the US because I missed my friends. I began to be dragged away from God and feel mad at Him. I didn’t realize that it was actually myself who was turning away from my Father.
Now, I have realized that God is my best friend. He is the source of my beautifully blessed life. Most importantly, he is my Maker, my Creator, my Father. I have realized most that God is first, that God supports us, God is here. We are not alone as we fight to survive, fight depression, anxiety, pressure. God is with you, and He always will be.
Gemma Kiehl
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