Making Friends in Taiwan
Two years ago, when I lived in the USA, I rarely had a chance to tell someone about Jesus who had NEVER heard about Him. Now, we have opportunities every day!
Meet Kim Krings, Mission Trip Manager
We are now open for booking mission trips! The easiest way to secure a spot on a trip is to gather a group of people from your family, friends, or parish and book a trip together.
Domestic Church
Something important was missing. Home after home, I could not find it: not a crucifix, not a cross, not an image of Jesus was to be found. This is something we take for granted, that every Christian home has some holy image on their wall. Not here in Coopevega, Costa Rica. Thus, a ministry was born…
Who Am I
On that fateful morning commute, He changed my life forever. As I was sitting at a red light, my mind went blank and a deafening silence fell upon me. Out of nowhere I heard something that completely enveloped me. For the first time in my life, and as clear as day, I heard God’s voice: “Mark, I have put you on this earth to do something different!”
The Greatest Real Estate Transaction
We met Francis and Riana after Mass one day here in Nepal. They, along with their four children, have fled horrendous, bloody, and unmentionable Muslim persecution in their home country of Pakistan. They achieved asylum refugee status and are now trying to rebuild their life. Still, life is extremely challenging for them here in Nepal.
Jesus in the Rainforest
Here, two priests are responsible for serving 42 communities. Three religious sisters, one other missionary family, and our family help with 17 of those communities. Four of the communities have a tabernacle and a regular weekend Mass. The other 14 have small chapels that are normally dark and locked up, opening for occasional communion services or Mass—sometimes only once every three months.