Jesus, I Trust in You: Part 3
The house is finished!
On Mother’s Day we drove to Nanay Ludi’s house for our weekly visit, our gift of a litson manok (a rotisserie chicken, her favorite) in hand. We arrived to find a very happy couple inside a very cozy, newly completed home!
How about a tour?
The house is constructed with bamboo and wood supports, a cement floor, and a tin roof. The lower half of the walls are cement block, providing strength and protection from the elements. The natural palm amakan walls help keep the house cool. This type of construction is very typical for smaller homes in our area.
All of the doorways were built extra wide to give Ludi complete access to the entire house in her wheelchair. Her favorite thing is to be able to sit on the front porch in the morning sun, pray, and listen to the radio!
Just inside the front door is the house’s main room. Since Ludi and Lope are largely confined to bed, it’s the living room/bedroom/study/dining room all in one! Their bed, shelves for their belongings, Ludi’s desk, and a cute little dining table fill this room and make it home, with plenty of floor space for Ludi to get around in her wheelchair.
Funny story: There’s a can of baby powder on the bed in this photo. Ludi thought Silas was hot and covered him from head to toe until he looked like a ghost!
Behind the curtain on the right of the photo below is the bathroom (didn’t get a picture! Oops!). They use a stool to bathe, and since there aren’t any special-height toilets available here for the elderly, the builders made one by building up a kind of platform for the toilet using cement. Genius!
The above photo was taken in the doorway to the kitchen. The small wood-burning stove is low enough for Ludi to cook, something she hadn’t been able to do in years! Above the stove are vents to let the smoke outside.
To the left of the stove, on the back wall, is their sink and counter space with firewood storage area underneath.
Their lights are all solar powered, so they don’t have to worry about a monthly bill!
I mentioned that Ludi loves listening to the radio; it’s solar powered, too!
I think aside from the house, it must be one of her favorite gifts of all time. Even after thanking us in person for the radio, she later asked one of the workers to deliver us this note:
God is so good. This is the perfect example of why I love being a missionary. I love being the funnel, the humble instrument God uses to pour His goodness and the generosity of YOU, the Body of Christ, into the lives of his precious children to show them how much they matter. Thank you for being a part of this special project!
“This house is a monument to caring, because God cares for his people and He inspires people to care for each other. Thank you all for loving us and taking care of us.” -Ludi Opena
The Romeros
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