Faithful in Prayer
The Lord is Always with Us
Encounter Christ in the Poor
Christ Forms a Family in Loving Friendship
There and Back Again
“We couldn’t have done it without God,” says Mary, “as we prepared, practiced, and set up the whole play over the course of a week.”
A Carmelite in Peru
In similar ways throughout my time in Peru, I found my Carmelite vocation confirmed and affirmed through monthly letters sent to my home community.
Lord, I Am Not Worthy
I know that if Jesus told me He was coming to visit my town this evening, I would go out and tell everyone.
Old Faith Come Alive
Witnessing others come to know God, encountering Him in Holy Scripture, or in the sacraments, for the first time is pure gift.
Seeds Sown in Guatemala
Even after the schools opened, many of these students couldn’t return because of the cost of uniforms and supplies.
Tears, Toasts, and Bear Hugs
One thing about this family that I profoundly admire is that they can always be found in the chapel.
Seek His Face
Fr. Stanley Rother, Missionary and Martyr
Fr. Stanley is a martyr of our time. He lived a simple life as a missionary, serving among some of the poorest people in Guatemala for many years. By giving his life, he inspired the faith of the Guatemalan people, resulting in many religious vocations.
Gift of God
The Problem with Apologetics
5 Signs You Might Be Called to Missions
So if you have even a tiny inkling that the Lord might be calling you to foreign missions, don’t be afraid to explore this possibility.
The Desert is Flowering
You Are the Light of the World
His Grace is Sufficient
It is in this tension the Lord has invited me to live. Sometimes it feels like it’s manageable, but more often than not, it feels like a whole lot.