Thanks for Our New Office!
We recently moved into our new office and chapel! We’re excited to share a few things with you to thank you for your support, especially those who gave to the capital campaign!
A Change of Heart in Haiti
Best of all, we made memories together and heard the voice of God calling us to leave our riches and to comfort and serve his poor.
Update on Eric Baquet
Taking a Risk
As the week began, I wondered: is my faith deep enough to live the life of a missionary? Do I love the poor enough? Do I love Jesus enough to lay it all down: my career, house, activities, stuff for Him? Would I be willing to answer the door whenever someone knocks? Can I take having dirty feet all the time? Can I learn another language well enough to give people comfort and hope? Can I tolerate cold missionary showers… forever?!
Our New “Call to Missions” Testimonies
We’ve got 15 new videos for you! Get to know our newest missionaries as they tell their stories of how God called them to missionary life.
Seeing Jesus
It is always such a pleasant surprise how The Lord can continuously rock my world at every unexpected moment.
He is exactly that: my rock.
He is my Beholder, my Maker, my Beloved Father.
He is my biggest fan, my crying shoulder, my defender in battle…
Risk Your Kids for the Kingdom?
[Editor’s Note: John Piper is a Christian pastor and author who often writes about missions. We found this article published on his website and thought it worth sharing. Piper addresses the serious issue of children in missions, a topic of supreme interest to any involved with Family Missions Company. His article is reprinted here with permission.]
Should a Christian couple take their children into danger as part of their mission to take the gospel to the unreached peoples of the world? Short answer: Yes.
That Others May Be Praised, And I Unnoticed
he day after Christmas, I, along with a group of about 24 people, left the United States to go on a medical mission trip to Trinidad. I would be lying if I said that this trip was an easy one for me. Leading up to the trip I had so much anxiety about going, but I could not figure out why. Now, I think that it was because I knew deep down that God was going to use this time in Trinidad to move my heart to welcome Him in and love Him more. It had been two and a half years since my last mission trip, and in that time I had gotten busy.
Hard Bends, Dead Ends, & Beautiful memories
[Annmarie Abeyesekera recently went on a medical mission trip with FMC in Peru. These vignettes and reflections are published here with her permission.] The highlight of my mission trip would have to be the second day of the trip. We traveled to a pueblo called Tres Unidos. It was not easy arriving at the Pueblo, but it sure was a little…
The Gospel of Matthew, according to Alex
[Jason and Jessica Wilde, and their children Grace (10), Brecklyn (8), Alex (7), and Chi Yu (4), recently went on a medical mission trip with FMC in the Philippines. The following post, published here with permission, is from their blog.] The dim hospital room was packed full of 15 or 20 Filipino families, each huddled around a bed or crib holding their sick…
In Memoriam: Robert James Edmonston
Our dear friend and missionary, Robert James “Mr. Ed” Edmonston, went on to Eternal Life on September 19, 2016. Ed lived a full and diverse life. Born on November 26, 1940 in Chicago, Illinois, he graduated from high school at Mt. Berry Schools in Rome, GA in 1958. He served in the United States Army as a supply engineer in…