Introducing Intake 2021 // Part 1
We are pleased to introduce you to the missionaries of Intake 2021. They are currently in training at our home base in Louisiana and will be sent to serve in various parts of Latin America in January 2022. We’ve asked them to share some things about themselves so that you can get to know them a little. Please keep these new missionaries in your prayers.
Pictured above: Some of the women of Intake 2021 share a moment of laughter and joy.
The Waldrop Family
Chris, Angie, CJ, Jonathan, and Job
From Moore, SC
Their story
We were living very selfishly and were struggling in many ways. When we went to Emmaus retreats and turned to the Church, we were embraced and shown God’s love genuinely and realistically. We kept getting closer to our Lord and giving more. We witnessed that the more we gave, the more He gave to us and so now we are here. He is STILL faithful and continues to spoil us.
What excites you most about missions?
We are excited about the freedom to do whatever our Lord wants us to do, to share His love with everyone we meet, and grow closer to Him and closer to each other in the process.
How has a relationship with Jesus and the Church radically changed your life?
It saved our marriage and our relationships. We are more aware of ourselves and our purpose in life.
Is there a missionary who has had a particular impact on your life? What about them inspired you?
YES! More than one! All who we have met through FMC have a unique story, but the denominator is the same – God’s love saves!
Family motto to live by
“Do your best, let God do the rest,” and “Leave the space you are in better than when you arrived.”
Is there a book, podcast, or hobby that you’ve been excited about recently?
We are big fans of Father Nathan Caswell with the St. Pater in Volo podcast. Poco A Poco has been amazing to listen to this summer, along with reading Habits to Holiness. (LOVE the CFR’s as well!)
The boys have been making cool items out of resin lately. Each night we have sweet guests making letters, shapes, and crosses with us.
Before being a missionary with FMC, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Chris worked on cars in a few movies when the older boys were really young. He was also a painter and part of a pit crew with ARCA racing.
Favorite saints?
PADRE PIO is our family’s patron saint. We also LOVE Sts. Joseph, Christopher, Matthew, Francis, Clare, John Paul II, Don Bosco, and Teresa of Calcutta, Recently we have been exploring the life of St. Francis Xavier and he is easily moving up on the favorite list as well!
Read more about the Waldrops on their bio page.
Soren Spiehler
From Abbeville, LA
His story
I lived in missions as a child and took trips in the summer in my teenage years. Through these experiences I felt called to continue in this missionary journey. My senior year in high school the call became clear during prayer time in a chapel in General Cepeda, Mexico.
What excites you most about being a missionary?
Serving the poor!
Is there a missionary who has had a particular impact on your life? What about them inspired you?
My mom. She is a Saint, and raises her children to be Saints like her too.
What is a message you can’t wait to share as a missionary?
Jesus loves them abundantly.
How has a relationship with Jesus and/or the Church radically changed your life?
Through my relationship with Christ I have been able to listen to His voice and act on it.
Do you have a favorite saint?
I love St. Francis of Assisi.
Read more about Soren on his bio page.
Moira McMorrow
From Alaska
Her story
When I was about six years old I told my mom that I wanted to be a missionary in Africa. Throughout the years I’ve had many other dreams, but this is the one which the Lord continued to bring to the forefront. After going on a mission trip with FMC, I felt led to pursue this calling.
What about the missionary vocation excites you the most?
One of the missionaries shared with me that he would hike into the Amazon jungle in order to bring the Eucharist to those who live in remote areas. My heart burns each time that I think of how I am also called to bring Jesus to whomever I am sent to the ends of the earth!
Is there a particular message you cannot wait to share with those you will serve?
Contemplating on the love and mercy of God always overwhelms me. By word and witness, I desire to share this Divine love with God’s beloved children.
Your personal/family motto to live by?
Growing up, whenever my siblings and I complained about something, my dad would love to remind us, “The only tragedy in life is to not become a saint!”
Is there a book, podcast, or hobby that you’ve been excited about recently?
I recently started learning the guitar and hope to be able to lead praise and worship in my Latin American community.
Before being a missionary with FMC, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I worked at a green house throughout high school. My favorite skill I learned during that time was how to graft grape vines.
Do you have a favorite saint?
Too many good ones to have a favorite! At this time I really love St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis Xavier, and Mother Teresa.
Read more about Moira on her bio page.
Sarah Ourso
From Houma, Louisiana
Her story
I was working as a Speech-Language Pathologist before becoming a missionary. I was very happy where I was, but I consistently felt a greater call for my life during my prayer time. My roommate at the time told me about Family Missions Company. I came on a Come and See in March of 2020. After feeling so much peace here, I said “yes” and never looked back!
What about the missionary vocation excites you the most?
Growing in intimacy with the Lord and bringing His light and His joy to others! I also can’t wait to spend time with the poor. I often feel like they help me way more than I help them.
Is there a particular message you cannot wait to share with those you will serve?
The Lord’s deep and unwavering love for His people. He desires each and every soul to be with Him, no matter what your past looks like. You are loved, wanted, and known by a Father in heaven who wants nothing but your good.
How has a relationship with Jesus and/or the Church radically changed your life?
The Lord and His church has changed everything. He has brought healing and a fullness to my life that I didn’t even know was possible to experience in this lifetime.
Is there a missionary who has had a particular impact on your life? What about them inspired you?
The first missionary that ever had an impact on my life was a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionary who disciplined me in college. She was one of my first witnesses of a woman who was fully living out her faith. I could see the joy and authenticity in her and I desired that deeply for my own life.
Your personal motto to live by?
“Do small things with great love” and “The secret to life is to fall seven times and get up eight times.”
Is there a hobby you’ve been excited about lately?
I have recently started learning the ukulele. I’m still really bad, but I am so excited about it.
Before being a missionary with FMC, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
While in graduate school, my professor asked me to teach her undergraduate class for a semester! It was terrifying.
Favorite saint?
John Paul II and Mother Teresa
Read more about Sarah on her bio page.
Watch for more Intake 2021 introductions in the coming weeks!
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