A Venezuelan Nativity Scene
The young man reached out his hand and I gave him a 50-cent piece. I went in feeling relieved as they smiled and said thank you. When I sat down I felt like a powerful rush came upon me and I could hear a voice saying, “Fifty cents? Really? That’s all you are going to give me?”
Tami’s Reflection – 3rd Week of Advent
Do we struggle to recognize Christ when He is not clearly visible—whether it be in other people or hidden in the Eucharist? Tami, a missionary in Peru, reflects on the Sunday Gospel and on how Jesus comes to us in sometimes surprising ways. #advent
Thomas’ Reflection – 2nd Week of Advent
Are you looking for more peace this season? Thomas Vehige encourages us to make our daily encounter with Jesus a priority and gives practical tips on how to pray using Lectio Divina. #advent
Joanne’s Reflection – 1st Week of Advent
Joanne Garcia shares how an embarrassing incident led her to encounter Jesus the Healer in a special way. #advent
When It’s a Sacrifice to Praise
May I not forget praise when experiencing or witnessing suffering, and may I not turn a blind eye to suffering in a season of greater praise. It’s a “both/and” kind of thing.
Breaking the Mold: A Birth Story
A category 4 hurricane was coming our way and we had to evacuate our home. Did you know that large pressure changes, which happen during major storms, can induce labor? Wait a minute. I just said yes to our first home birth and now I might be delivering this baby in someone else’s (a complete stranger’s, nonetheless) house? Lord have mercy!
The Night Jesus Came to Us
All I could see was the back of his hand, which was holding his head. Both were covered with an extreme amount of blood which ran down the back of his shirt soaking it to a dark red. I immediately thanked Jesus for sparing my son’s life.
He Will Wipe Away Every Tear
That these stories–and so many, many more–are real and are happening even now should affect me and compel me. They should move me into action as my heart is broken and put back together to look more like Jesus’ heart, which burns extra brightly with love for the poor.
Missionaries Anywhere
My restless nature wants to know answers and make plans, but maybe this is my crucible moment. I am the target of missionary work at this moment—the mission of Christ to make me patient and humble in the face of a society that is impatient and prideful. And so, I pour out the love I have from the Father to the only people I can in this time—my own family.
The Friend Request That Made a Difference
Since my initial communications with Maq this group has developed and evolved into something I could never have imagined and has been a huge blessing in my life. The goal of this group is to give MKs from every background and denomination a place of understanding, acceptance and fellowship.
World Mission Sunday and the Baptismal Call
Some of us may be called to go further out, but the vocation is always an active one because the Holy Spirit is constantly moving, constantly burning, constantly alive!
Two Types of People
Brad and I were hanging out one evening after our kids were in bed wondering why we were so dissatisfied climbing this ladder of the American dream. Where did we fit in this life? We felt like such outcasts. Where did God want us in all of this? We owned successful businesses and could buy nice things for our house. Everybody wants that and it’s totally normal — so why were we so unsatisfied? What was wrong with us?
How He Called
He did not accept it, He gave it back saying, “not like this.” This was troubling to me because I was convicted that God wanted it. Every day this happened, until the fourth day when I realized that the Lord did not want that ‘yes,’ because coupled with that ‘yes’ were expectations, fears, and anxieties. I was giving a ‘yes’ but I was not trusting the Lord with its entirety.
A Surprising Lunch with Friends
Yu Hou came in with pizza, our lunch! There is actually a Pizza Hut (!) in the city but we have not gone yet. I immediately appreciated how they were thoughtful about what we might like to eat.
Mercy and Melted Ice Cream
Instead of cleaning out my freezer, I could have been looking over the shredded remains of our home. I could have been facing the loss of everything we own. God protected us from that devastation, and although I rejoiced for a day or so, I immediately fell back into self-pity over a few hours of gross housework? How quickly I forget!
Beautiful Feet
[The Bible] doesn’t specify if the feet are old or young, clean or dirty, what color they are. They are just beautiful.
Even So, God is at Work!
These past months have not turned out as we had imagined they would. Many of our visitors were unable to come due to borders closing, mission trips were cancelled, ministries were prohibited to continue. Even so, God is at work in our lives and the lives of those around us.
COVID Campout
We threw everything in the car—sleeping bags, water, food, a whole bunch of chips and cookies—and headed for the mountains. Though our general destination was only 15 miles away, we drove for about 80 minutes—60 of those being on a windy dirt road. As we ascended into the mountains, we had no exact idea of where we would stay.