Featured Story
by Kelli | Taiwan
The words of the Gospel have power!
Every day FMC’s Taiwan team heads off to school. On campus, nine times out of ten, the person we are speaking to hasn’t heard the Good News. It’s true… many have never even heard the name of Jesus!
Dear Supporters,
I want to thank you sincerely for your prayers and faithful support of Family Missions Company. God continues to use this ministry in awesome ways to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and to be Christ’s hands in service to the poor. He is continuing to grow our organization in unbelievable ways: we currently have over 150 missionaries serving in 8 countries around the world, and more are coming! I encourage you to read these reports from our missionaries in the field and see the amazing ways He is using their presence and your support to build His kingdom.
Thank you for joining our mission. With your help, we are impacting countless lives with the love of Jesus!
In Christ,
Kevin Granger
Missions Director
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Faith Camp
Week 1 : July 4-8th // Week 2: July 11-15th
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Our ministry is a work of prayer! Pray for FMC missionaries and for those that they serve. Click here to send us your intentions.
Jack Ball, Rachel Broussard, Mazil Trahan Couvillon, Robert deGraauw, Mark Jerzy Eckstine, Nora Faulk, Charles Feger, Juliana Gerami, Nancy Johnson, Ezekiel Kiehl, Pat Lake, Stephen Marshall Leblanc, Dr. Robert Louviere, Wendy McCulloch, Sr. Claire Metrejean, Stanley Miller, John Patrick Minahan, J. John Montesano, Jr., Angie Roberts, Donald Romero, William Ward Rucks III, Claire Schneck, Eleanor Vandevort, Bill Wencel, Delores Young
Candice Brooks, Fr. Brian Harrington