The Gift of True Friendship
A Crown of Weeds
A Year of Blessings
Although I have been serving at our stateside office this past year, I have continued regularly sending alms money to my old mission partner Joanne who is still serving on Camiguin Island, and she takes pictures for me to share with you about the amazing things God is accomplishing through your generosity! Thank you!!!
FMC Classic Post: God and a Neighborhood Cutie Competition
This is a story from my time in the Philippines in 2012. The work of a Catholic missionary is not the same as a social worker. We want to help people in not just temporary ways, but in ways that will last for eternity. We want to introduce them to the One who will stay even when we are gone….
Remembering Louie
This time is the only time you have to love. I realize that now because of Louie. When I met him in Camiguin, I thought he was just another boy: dirty, not the most lovable. Louie and his sister Fe had cerebral palsy, and while Fe was sweet and loved to laugh, Louie was rather stoic. He wouldn’t talk or…
Learning Love
Power of Prayer by Olivia
This is a personal testimony about the power of prayer that our 13-year-old daughter shared as her final message to her peers at our weekly praise and worship gathering in Camiguin, Philippines. From before I was born, prayer has been a part of my life. After my sister was born, the doctor told my mom that she shouldn’t have…
Why I’m [Still] A Missionary
It’s 10:48 pm and I just finished rinsing the last of the lice shampoo out of my hair. It’s just a preventative measure this time, but I’m being a little extra careful because a few weeks ago at this time of night I was picking dozens of little eggs off my scalp. Lovely, I know.
Be Healed!
This morning I read the Gospel account of the woman with a twelve-year hemorrhage who was healed when she touched Jesus’ cloak. I sighed internally, wishing that I could see such signs and wonders in my own life, and then I caught myself. How often Jesus has performed miracles in my midst, and how easily I forget them!
Rex: Becoming a Man of God
Angel in Disguise or Missionary in the Making?
His Rose
When There is No Justice
Jesus at the Blackboard
By Rebecca Tilyou | Camiguin Island, Philippines With the arrival of final exams and graduation ceremonies last week, I’m reflecting on the past school year, the hard times and the happy times, and especially on the lives on particular students with whom I’ve had the privilege of journeying as they complete their high school career. I’d like to introduce you…
Saying Thank You: True Gratitude in the Philippines
By Rebecca Tilyou This Sunday I visited the house of John Michael, one of my former students. He is now attending a public high school, but his family cannot afford his transportation and other fees, so my team is sponsoring his education expenses. Every other week we visit his home in the mountain to give him his two weeks’ allowance…
A Day in the Life of a Missionary
By Rebecca Tilyou 6:00am Wake up! Feeling a little under the weather so I snooze til 6:13. I get dressed and then sit in the hammock on our porch for my morning prayer time. 7:00 Team breakfast – oatmeal! 7:30 Team prayer – reading and sharing on the psalms from Liturgy of the Hours. 8:15 Gigi comes to the door…
Can a Mother Forget Her Child?
By Rebecca Tilyou Hello, everyone! It’s early summer here in the Philippines, and the days are getting hotter. Now we are so thankful for our cold-water showers! I’m writing to tell you the story of a family. When we first arrived in Sagay, we met a little 8-year-old girl named Mary Grace. She quickly won all of our hearts with her…