SERVE: Winter 2021
Posted on 12/02/2021
at 3:57 pm
by Cate Broadbent /
Winter 2021 SERVE READ THE SERVE (opens in e-reader) Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Recently, while playfully hoisting my kids up into their bunk beds, I showed them how to do a trust fall. Excitedly, one by one they enjoyed the nervous fun of closing their eyes, falling backwards, and waiting for my arms to grab them before they...
Sacraments, Concrete Floors, and Lives Changed
The mission trip participants, full-time missionaries, and local volunteers labored together to lay concrete floors in two homes and to beautify a chapel with a new coat of paint. They held prayer services in two pueblos, and did many home visits, talking with the locals and praying with them for their needs and intentions.